Sunday, August 3, 2014

Schools open in a few weeks - But before we book our Champagne Brunch .....

Fabric Bins, Fun, Lightweight, Not Expensive!

A New School Year!

For some, it’s a relief to have our little (and not so little) ones back in school/college and we welcome the fall routine.  For some, it’s a time for first’s - First day in kindergarten, middle school, high school, college, senior year etc.  It’s always busy and as much as we try to remember everything, something will always be last minute.  So, to avoid a catalogue of last minute chores, I’m starting the back to school countdown.  It already started in SC and GA last weekend with tax-free shopping.  Now we have purchased new items we need to make room for them in the closet to avoid over crowding. Take a look at uniforms, after school activity kits, shoes, sneakers and light jackets.  What fits?  What needs replacing?  

Time to be organizing, donating, and gifting!

When organizing a youngster's closet think small; small bins, small stacks and light weight baskets so that children can find what they are looking for without making a huge mess.  Label the bins or have your child draw a small illustration, to make locating items easier and have your little one involved.  Put toys and books on the open spaces or in baskets to make clean up fast and friendly. If your children share a space,  make a custom area in the closet for each child, using name signs or color coding hangers and bins.   

Where To Find These Bins!

  1. Amazon, Fabric Drawer
  2. Walmart, Storage Bin

(P.S. - hold on to the unwanted shoes for a special event I'll tell you more about on August 15th - it's worth it!)

If your child does not have a uniform to wear, consider putting outfits together and labeling them Monday-Friday to save time and stress in the mornings.  You can buy dividers likes these on line and personalize them with the days of the week!

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