Wednesday, August 6, 2014

It’s not too early (or crazy) to order your firewood.

Just add red wine!

Ah, the glow of a wood burning fire, in the home or in the fire pit.  It’s a sign of the changing seasons, some comfort, as the summer fades and the days get shorter.  You want to be ready and spontaneous for when that day arrives, which is why this crazy lady has chimney sweeping and ordering firewood on a To Do List in August!

 I spoke with a local company Carolina Morning Firewood
  "We are the only producer of kiln dried firewood in the Lowcountry, perhaps in South Carolina.  We hold certificate #1, the first issued, by the SC Department of Plant Industry, for certifying that our kiln dried firewood meets USDA standards for treatment to kill bugs and mold for shipment out of the state, and we ship to both other states and one foreign country.  We are also a large supplier to the restaurant industry in the Lowcountry and Florida as they like kiln dried wood as the wood burns hotter.  Finally, our customer base also includes a number of hotels and home owner associations in the area as well.  We actually start calling our prior customers in late August to get residential deliveries started in September as it gets pretty crazy later in the year when the residential business is piled on top of our commercial business.  Our residential service area is most of the Lowcountry, from Savannah to Charleston".

They will also deliver and stack the wood on your property!  

It may be time to have your chimney inspected and swept.  Scheduling this now will avoid disappointment later! You can check out the residential rates for chimney inspections and cleaning on Carolina Morning Firewood's website.. A one stop shop, my kind of vendor!  

So, I'm not crazy after all as they suggest you order for delivery in September, before their busy season starts!.

check out Carolina Morning Firewood

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