Monday, December 15, 2014

Wrap or Stash?

Where to keep the Christmas gifts you buy? Wrap them and put them under the tree or stash them away from inquisitive eyes?

Keep track of your purchases using a master list, either in paper form or by using Google docs or a similar app. Have your list with you at all times, to jot down ideas, or check before impulse buying when you are out shopping. 

Tips to Keep Them Guessing

    If you like to keep your secrets until The Big Day consider using a different wrapping paper for each person.  Don't label them, only you know which pattern goes to whom.  Cut out the gift recipients initial from the wrapping paper you used for them and hang it on the tree Christmas morning.  

    If you have lots of small gifts for someone, who is not a kid, place them in a pillowcase, unwrapped. Tie the case with a ribbon and place it in a box and wrap the box. The recipient with once again have the joy of rummaging in the Christmas Stocking upon opening the gift box.

    With gifts too big to wrap or put under the tree, create a treasure hunt with a few clues.  Start with clue one in a gift box under the tree. Take the recipient to unlikely places to look for the surprise, like under seat cushions, the pocket of a coat, and other easily accessible places, before sending them to the correct location.  

    With small gifts, like a ring, attach it to a plush toy with a ribbon and wrap the toy. This works for most jewelry items and will keep your recipient guessing until the last minute!

    With giving a gift of money, place your check in a box with a themed gift for the recipient, depending on what they need the money for. For example: for a new home owner; place a check in with a couple of tea towels or oven mitts.  Paying for your kids Spring Break; place the check in with a pair of flip flops and some sun tan lotion. Giving money to a student; place the check in with a post it pad and pens.  Write "Call Mom & Dad" on the top post it.

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